About WaveSlider

WaveSlider was built on a longtime dream of three childhood friends from southern California. Don Lutes, Robert Lutes and Rick Smith grew up surfing local spots like Mondos, Oil Piers, Rincon, Emma Wood, Staircase, Tar Pits, Trestles, County Line, C-Street. Don was the oldest of the three and at age 16, he became the designated driver. The deal was, “you drive, you choose”. Therefore Robert and Rick were forced to surf at Don’s choice spots for a few years. Thankfully Don knew his spots well. The three traveled up and down the California coast in Don’s 1967 VW Squareback named the “Wave Sled”. The three dreamt of one day having jobs in the surf industry together. Don started shaping surfboards in the 80’s had a small brand called Assassin Surf Boards. As life progressed, Don and Robert became very successful engineers while Rick became a marketing professional in the power sports industry. In 2020, Don passed away while riding his mountain bike at the young age of 54. Shortly after Don's passing Robert and Rick started WaveSlider in Don's honor. The brand is built on the passion of surfing, great childhood memories and making a dream reality.

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